Sunday, December 21, 2008

Capacity Planning for Cloud Computing

At the recent CMG conference I volunteered to lead a panel session on Capacity Planning for Cloud Computing, and these slides were the result.

Now, this was a conference full of people who already know how to do capacity planning, so they were interested in what was new about Cloud Computing (or even what it was all about from first principles), so the slides do not explain how to do capacity planning in the cloud, they talk about what changes for the capacity planner in this new world.

I'm going to be developing more material in this area over the coming year. I have a head start, in 2002 and 2003 I led projects at Sun where I researched how to do Capacity Planning in Virtualized Datacenters, built some tools, filed a couple of patents, presented papers at conferences and failed to get Sun's N1 project to implement some of it. Well, it seems I was a few years ahead of my time, so I'm going to start by digging out the papers I published at the time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought the whole point of cloud computing is that you would not have to use system (process level) monitoring tools and instead you would get resource metering usage and costing at the activity level.

    A Unified Approach to Performance Management and Cost Management for Cloud Computing

    Only the cloud computing platform vendor should be use system management tools the users (cloud services providers) should be use activity based.

  3. Yes, you end up getting activity based monitoring info, but capacity plannes are used to getting system level usage stats. Also capacity planning is about predicting future requirements, and its still very hard to figure out how much your cloud is going to cost you next month.

    Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.


  4. Hi Adrian,

    Here is a more technical but practical example.

    Kind regards,


  5. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Nice Post


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